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Sunday 19 June 2016

Greed -The New Religion !

Man when forgets the purpose of life,
always end up growing as a scoundrel in a nuts-hell.
Our society is growing used to corruption
at high levels;
trigger happy inheritors of political criminals;
assaults on women;
blind judicial system ( No longer just a symbol );
insensitive rich suffering from greed ;
dreams dilemma of youth ;
Man made Tax Havens etc.
Man are growing Nuts and Hell is here only.
The state sums up the recurring offences,disasters,
dilemmas and misfortunes facing us in our lives.
There is no one to check these offenses , disasters
or misfortunes other than us.
The seed of all these lies in wanting
more our needs.
Wanting More Than The Need is
The Biggest Incurable Disease - It Is Named _ GREED !
There is a very thin line between need and greed and
it takes very little desire
to cross it but it is a deep well once fallen into
one can not come out but with own efforts.
Greed Has Spread to Every Nook & Corner as if It Is
The NEW RELIGION !f it is so-
It is Time to Become IRRELIGIOUS !
Read between the lines of thoughts
when mind traps you with
unwanted things and desires and
do not let the seed of greed sprout.
Love attracts Sacrifices from you at each step with every
expression of it.
Greed attaches Vices to you at each step with
every such act.
Once I detect the errors , it is only my responsibility to correct.
And this has been beautifully summed up
by the following quote by the great Roman Poet.

" I shall try to correct errors
when shown to be errors,
and I shall adopt new views so fast
as they appear to be true views."

There is only one corner that needs improvement &
that is within you.
You are a responsible citizen of this world
if you take care to improve upon your mistakes.
It is said that a person is your true friend
if he can show you your errors without offending you.
Once you come to know of your errors,
it is for you to rectify
& proceed to make it
appear as the Truth.
Till you reach the Truth about yourself,
You will find the errors at the core of your heart.
Become A Living Truth,
there is No Bigger challenge to Become.
Be true to yourself; to others it may not matter
but it matter to you the most !
But the truth is that "The House" I live in is occupied by Ego .
The Ego likes to Stuff itself with assorted furniture of vices .
The Anger Vice is the Dusted Carpet in the Drawing Room of the Heart .
It raises a storm at the spark of The Mind's Hurt .
The Jealousy Vice is the Chair on which it always Sees others Sitting.
It burns itself in its own fireplace .
The Lust Vice is the Inflated Sofa which is laid defeated by the games mind plays .
It is the alive vice which does not die with dying The Greed Vice is the Locker in The Almirah filled with valuables .
It is the key which locks love among loved ones .
The Attachment is the Chandelier hung in the ceiling of my heart .
It likes to show things you love in a different light .
I emptied myself off with my "I"ness & the Furniture got packed for transfer to the Other World .
The Empty Cartons My Beloved sends back but filled with Love, Compassion, Kindness & Mercy .
My House is now just filled with The Divine Light .
I am back to where I started from .
.......~Ashok "Anubhav"

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