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Saturday 17 September 2016

Adversity is The Knock at the Doors of Opportunity !

Be the type of person you want to meet.Face the adversity in life boldly for the Life's best years of learning happen in the University of Adversity !
Adversity is the weakest camp and once you come out of it successfully you are a stronger person.Everyone is born with some characteristics in their genes.Till one is exposed to adversity,the parents and teachers are responsible for the development of character.
Unless someone is unfortunate enough in childhood to face adversity,it takes some years in life for the character to be tested by adversity.And if someone is exposed to adversity at young age,he has normally grown to be great and inspiring personality in life.This may not be true to full extent for the favorable circumstances normally test the character of the youth inherited or formed till that age.The real test of character begins when one is in a position to think and take independent decisions even when not in adversity.And then game of life throws bouncers of adversity and how you deal with those bouncers tells how good you are as a batsman with character.Once the nestlings fly out of the comfort zone of the nest, they are on their own to show their strength, their true colours and test the tenacity of the wings of their dreams.
Opportunity & adversity always come hand in hand in your life !
Adversity is always Handy to KNOCK the DOORS of Opportunity !!

Adversity does not build character,it reveals it.
.....~James Lane Allen 

A Good Captain adjust the sails without losing sight of the destination in the storms of adversity.He knows that he can not sail in two directions at the same time- he does not have the option have to go back in mid-sea.Life is no different.He may sail against the storms but does not let adversity harm his confidence.He keeps the mast of morale flying high in the winds of adversity and propels the boat of life in the direction he wants with grit, determination and persistence in the journey of life. 

If you turn your back to adversity and take a U-turn , 

you get way farther and farther from the truth.

The expansion of minds takes place only in the heats of adversity. 

Be there in the Now.There only the sense of discrimination develops to identify the truth in absence of any fear or expectations.One cannot be courageous without overcoming one's fears and the biggest fear is the fear of losing what one thinks as owned.
Health, Wealth ,Loved ones and your own life -
all are souls treasures which play a role in evolution of soul 
to realize its destiny of God Realization.
Once you realize this , you become aware of the challenges life offers 
in truest sense and it becomes easy for you choose the challenges offered.
Truth makes the job of meeting your destiny so easy 
for it becomes so easy to choose as it is the only option available.
Once born you are destined to die.
That is the only certainty in life.Once the biggest fear of this destiny is overcome , 
one starts living one's life to the fullest. 
The Sword of Truth is your Armour and 
the soul's defense to take on the challenges.
The Sword of Truth can pierce the Mountain of all 
The Adverse Circumstances of destiny 
and the change of destiny is in your own hands.
Once you start living your life in the Light of the Truth,
Challenges are identified by The Inner Instinct & 
Intuition helps you to See The Outcomes in advance.
Only the Sword of the Truth can fight with any challenge 
The Destiny has laid on your path.

Whatever you do, make it an offering to me -- 
the food you eat, the sacrifices you make, 
the help you give, even your suffering. 
....~Bhagavad Gita

Adversity is the best teacher 
provided you are not missing the class.
No one can proxy for you in this class.
One by one all the pride wears off and 
one finds The Truth of One's existence !
When in times of calmness , 
you offer your happiness and that is accepted ;
then God takes no time to accept your sufferings and 
mitigate it in the times of strife.
That is the State of Active Detachment 
one aspires for in one's spiritual life.
The state of maintaining the equanimity -
being unaffected by all conditions;
neither glad or sad in adversities and favorable conditions , 
in the praises and criticism and in happiness and sorrows.

.....~ ashok "anubhav"

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